Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stop and Smell the Coffee Brewing

Ever meet someone who just can't make a decision to save their soul??  Something as simple as parking is an ordeal.  Then there are those of us on the opposite end of the scale who have no trouble making decisions.  Right wrong or indifferent we can make a decision.  Sometimes those snap decisions cause us to chase our tails until we discover that we are getting no where.  Both personalities could use a little "help".  One struggles with distraction or fear and one struggles with feeling as though the balls must always be in the air and in motion at all times.  Both can learn from each other and use the same strategy to "change" the way they view decisions.

Every day... a friend of mine wakes up, puts on a pot of coffee, grabs an egg timer, a book and a pen and note pad.  He reads for 30 minutes and then he pauses for reflection.  He thinks about what he has just read for a few moments and then he begins to plan his day or the next phase of a project he's working on.

What I found out is that usually in the time it takes to brew a pot of coffee, you can implement a plan to do even the smallest things more efficiently.  If the decision involves something significant, make a list... write down your thoughts and begin to formulate a plan to implement your decisions.

You'll be glad you did!

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