Tuesday, January 3, 2012

YOU Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Did you know that YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made??  Each and every one of you is a special and unique creation.  There is no one else like you anywhere on the earth.  You may be a twin or triplet, etc... and you may look like your siblings, but your personality and who you are on the inside is uniquely YOU!  How cool is that?!

You may strive to be like your "hero" or "idol", Mom or Dad or like someone you know and admire.  Try as you might, your individuality will always shine through.  Who you are is GREAT!  Who you are is FABULOUS!  If you aren't feelin' it for YOU... then let's examine why and let's change that once and for all!

Ask yourself, "WHY, WHAT and WHO?"

WHY am I unhappy?
WHAT can I do to change how I feel?
WHO might be able to help me?

For example:
Maybe you've gained a few pounds because you gave up a team sport or some other activity that helped keep you fit.  Alright... we've identified that you are unhappy with your weight.  The obvious answer to "What can I do to change how I feel?" is that you have to find something to replace your previous form of exercise.  There are any number of things that you can do that are fun, cost very little and can produce great results.

When I played softball (for over 35 years), I had a routine before and after each game which really became a "must" after age 30...  I stretched different muscles/tendons/ligaments for at least 10 seconds (or to a count of 10) for each group. It takes about 5 minutes for the entire routine and I found by doing this, not only did it cut down significantly on getting injured during a game, but I wasn't as sore the next day.  Now, at age 47, I also do some toning.  The toning portion takes about another 10 minutes if I don't cheat :)

Then there's the food... yikes... the food... I love to eat as much as the next person but when I'm not as active, my body doesn't need as much food as it does when I'm playing double-headers two nights a week.  So some simple principles have helped me keep things under control.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper.  Also a light snack (piece of fruit or a granola bar) at 10am and 2pm is a great way to keep your energy level up and keep your metabolism churning all day.  If you are forced to eat out often, choose from the kids menu (portion control) and always do your best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily... it makes all the difference in the world for your digestive system.

So in 15 minutes of exercise a day and by tweaking my eating habits a little... I can effectively change the way my body looks.

So WHY are YOU unhappy... go on... ask yourself!!

WHY am I unhappy, WHAT am I gonna do about it and WHO can help me?

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