Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Self-Esteem... A Womans Friend or Foe!

As compassionate, nurturing creatures go... women are emotional about most things.  Self-esteem can be an issue for a lot of us ladies.  First and foremost... know that you can be in control of the thoughts going through your head at any given time.  Most of us run on auto-pilot with our thought processes especially when we are busy.  If you find yourself feeling anxious... STOP whatever it is you are doing at that moment.  Ask yourself this question, "What am I thinking about?"  If you determine that this is the reason for your anxiety, then change what you are thinking about immediately!  I found it was easier said than done sometimes so I made a list of ten (10) things that make me happy when I think of them.  During the time I was re-training my thought life, I had them written down on a little piece of paper and kept it in my pocket every day for a couple of months.  Each time I caught myself thinking on things that brought me down... I pulled out my paper and picked a subject.  One was "Sunshine on the Beach".  I would close my eyes, clear my mind and imagine myself laying on the beach.  I would imagine the warmth of the sun on my face, the smell of an ocean breeze and the sound of the waves and birds.  I could do this for about 2 minutes and change my mood.  It was awesome and I felt the power of it every time I did it.
Take some time and memorize a scripture about it and recite it in your mind if you are busy working and can't get alone for reflection time.  Mine is:
Philippians 4:8
Meditate on These Things ] Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are purewhatever things are lovelywhatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Sometimes I just say to myself, "Pure, lovely and of good report... Pure, lovely and of good report!"  It works every time!


the deevine miss m said...

Congratulations on getting your blog going again. That's my goal also. Stop by and see me - http://deevinemissm.blogspot.com.

Tracy said...

Hey Miss M... so great to see your lovely face and read your words... I miss you girly!! Thanks for stopping by!! Be blessed!! T